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Smart Dictate

Your all-in-one medical assistant, enabling you to provide both Instructions and Information within a single recording.

Updated over 10 months ago

Smart Dictate is your medical assistant, allowing you to provide both Instructions and Information in the same recording. In the recording you can tell Lyrebird:

  • Instructions: "Write me a patient letter using very formal language, and dot points where applicable", followed by

  • Information: "Patient Sam, age 32, presented with symptoms of acute upper respiratory infection and ..."

Lyrebird will then transform that information into a structured letter.

The goal of Smart Dictate is to reduce the time and mental burden of a generic dictation.

How to begin a smart dictate?

1. Go to the "Dictate" page

2. Click the "Start dictating" button β†’ then click the "Smart dictate" from the drop down

3. Begin your dictation

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