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From account settings to managing your organisation, there are many modifications you can make to suit your workflow.

Updated this week

Lyrebird Health has five main pages:

Consult | Dictate | History | Customise | Settings

Settings is where you can manage and change certain aspects of your account. Inside Account settings, there are 5 pages on the vertical toolbar. Under Organisation settings, there are 2 pages on the vertical toolbar, see below.


Manage the following settings in the "Profile" tab:

Change your name

  • Edit your “First name” or “Last name”

  • Click "Save" in the top right corner of the page

Change your email

  • Click on the “Email” textbox

  • Enter your new email address into the textbox and click “Check for existing account”

  • Verify your email

Change your Field of Practice

Changing your Field of Practice alters the underlying instructions that Lyrebird is given to write your notes. Each Field of Practice's instruction has been created with professionals from the respective field.

  • Select from drop-down box to choose your “Field of Practice”

  • Click "Save" in the top right corner of the page


You can adjust your preferences to help tailor Lyrebird to suit you!

You can find your preferences in 'Settings' > 'Account' > and 'Preferences' will be on the left hand side panel.

When should Lyrebird delete saved items?

This is the time period that Lyrebird automatically deletes items stored in the ‘History’ tab. Due to privacy and security, Lyrebird does not store your notes and documents for any extended period of time.

  • Our default period for holding your items is 7 days, but you can extend this all the way up to 6 months, or down to 1 day.

  • After this timeframe has elapsed, we are no longer able to retrieve your documents or notes - so always ensure to save them elsewhere!

Show a warning three days before items are deleted

If you turn this feature on, this counts down the number of days left before your saved items are deleted in history.

When it is less than three days before your items are automatically deleted from our servers (due to the time specified in 'When should Lyrebird delete saved items?'), you will receive a warning next to the item in History.

Save dictation audio

If you turn this feature on, you will be able to listen back to your dictations via stored audio file.

Storing dictation recordings is useful if you or your administration team want to replay the dictation. This could be done in order to review a dictation, or check your microphone is working as it should. The audio is deleted after the period of time set above. Saving your dictations is a great way to allow for your administrative staff to review your dictations

  • Click the toggle to turn on to enable your dictation recordings. This will reflect with a blue "On" textbox next to "Save dictation audio"

Saved dictation shortcuts

Audio player shortcuts allow easy navigating of audio recordings.

  • Click the toggle to turn on to enable "Audio player shortcuts"

  • Play/pause: ‘ctrl + space’

  • Back 10s: ‘ctrl + m’

  • Forward 10s: ‘ctrl + >’

Use Stream Dictation

When this is enabled, you will see your dictation streaming in real time. This means you don’t need to wait until the dictation is complete for the words to begin streaming out.

Display consult transcript

If you find that pieces of information are being removed from your notes, you should turn on ‘Display Consult Transcript’ in your preferences. This adds a tab to your notes that is called ‘transcript’ and allows you to read through the word for word transcript that Lyrebird produces, allowing you to identify if the information was actually heard by Lyrebird. If you find that the transcript is often misspelling thing, or missing information completely, you might have a microphone issue. If the microphone is not the issue, then you can contact support for more help, let them know what is going on.

Delete associated documents with consults

When this is turned on, if you delete a consult, it will also delete the corresponding documents or letters linked with that consult.

Autosave consults and documents

When this is turned on, it removes the save button and automatically saves all your consults and documents to 'History'.

Show upcoming patients when empty

This means that even if you have no upcoming patients, the sidebar menu will continue to show in the consult page.

Show notepad pre-consult

When this is turned on, it will show the 'open notepad' button so that you can enter notes pre-consult.

Enable document statuses

When this is turned on, you will be able to mark documents with review statuses after they're created: "not reviewed, reviewed, transferred".

Remember patient consent in Best Practice

For General Practitioners using Best Practice, enable Lyrebird to remember your patients that have consented to using Lyrebird for subsequent consultations. This means you only need to take consent once, and it will be stored in their file in BP. This is only for BP users.

  • Click the toggle to turn on to enable remembering patient consent

Send patient letters via Lyrebird

  • Be notified when you send a patient letter

    • Click the toggle to turn on to automatically be cc’d into a sent email

    • Click “Save” in the bottom right

  • Change your "Reply-to" email address by editing your preferred email address

    • The reply-to email address is the designated email where responses to the messages sent via Lyrebird will be directed.

  • Change your "Email footer" by editing the textbox

    • Click into the textbox and edit the text

    • The email footer will be displayed at the bottom of any emails sent via Lyrebird

    • Click “Save” in the bottom right


Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) through the "Security" Page. MFA adds a second security layer to your Lyrebird Account. It requires not just a password, but also a code from your Authenticator App.

  • Click the "Turn on MFA" button

  • Follow the steps provided to turn on MFA

  • Verify your Authenticator App by providing the six-digit code


Update your payment method and billing information through the "Subscription" page.

You can upgrade, add payment methods, downgrade, view your invoices all through this page.

Here is where you go to pay for Lyrebird if you are on an individual subscription, or paying for yourself as part of an organisation.


Here is where you can manage your integrations, and find your API keys for these integrations with your Practice Management Systems.

​Copy your Best Practice Account Key

You can use this key if you are wanting to integrate Lyrebird with Best Practice. Further instructions can be found here.


Create, add, and manage the clinicians within your organisation through the "Organisation" tab in the "Settings" page.


You go here to manage the members of your organisation. In 'manage', you can:

  • Invite new members to the organisation by clicking the blue 'invite members' button in the top right corner. You can do this two ways:

    • Copy the invite link, and send yourself to the individual

    • Send the invite link directly by inserting the email address and pressing 'send invite'

  • Edit the permissions of each member by clicking the pen icon on the right of each members' name. You can update:

    • Role (practice manager, clinician, receptionist, clinic owner, other)

    • Permission (Member, Admin)

    • Clinic (if you want to add people to multiple clinics)

  • Remove a member from the organisation by clicking the pen icon on the right of each members' name


If you are wanting to pay for Lyrebird as an Organisation, you check out here, in 'billing'.

To pay as an organisation follow these steps:

  • Go Settings > Organisation > Billing

  • Click 'Add payment method'

  • Toggle on/off who you are paying for and select whether their subscription is full-time or part-time. Click next

  • Enter in your card details, choose whether to pay annually or monthly, and enter in a discount code if applicable.

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